

The Mocker class aids in the creation of Mocks on the fly, allowing you to use Lithium filters on most methods in a class as close to the test as possible.

How to use it

To create a new Mock, you need to register Mocker, then call or instantiate the same class but with '\Mock' appended to the end of the class name.

Registering Mocker

To enable the autoloading of mocks you simply need to make a simple method call.

use lithium\core\Environment;
use lithium\test\Mocker;
if (!Environment::is('production')) {

You can also enable autoloading inside the setup of a unit test class. This method can be called redundantly.

use lithium\test\Mocker;
class MockerTest extends \lithium\test\Unit {
  public function setUp() {

Usage and Examples

Using Mocker is the fun magical part, it's autoloaded so simply call the class you want to mock with the '\Mock' at the end. The autoloader will detect you want to autoload it, and create it for you. Now you can filter any method.

use lithium\console\dispatcher\Mock as DispatcherMock;
$dispatcher = new DispatcherMock();
$dispatcher->applyFilter('config', function($self, $params, $chain) {
	return array();
$results = $dispatcher->config();
use lithium\analysis\parser\Mock as ParserMock;
$code = 'echo "foobar";';
ParserMock::applyFilter('config', function($self, $params, $chain) {
  return array();
$tokens = ParserMock::tokenize($code, array('wrap' => true));

Mocker also gives the ability, if used correctly, to stub build in php function calls. Consider the following example.

namespace app\extensions;

class AwesomeFileEditor {

  public static function updateJson($file) {
    if (file_exists($file)) {
      $time = microtime(true);
      $packages = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
      foreach ($packages['users'] as &$package) {
        $package['updated'] = $time;
      return $packages;
    return false;

namespace app\tests\cases\extensions;

use lithium\test\Mocker;
use app\extensions\AwesomeFileEditor;

class AwesomeFileEditorTest extends \lithium\test\Unit {

  public function setUp() {

  public function testUpdateJson() {
    Mocker::overwriteFunction('app\extensions\file_exists', function() {
      return true;
    Mocker::overwriteFunction('app\extensions\file_get_contents', function() {
      return <<<EOD
  "users": [
      "name": "BlaineSch",
      "updated": 0

    $results = AwesomeFileEditor::updateJson('idontexist.json');
    $this->assertNotEqual(0, $results['users'][0]['updated']);


How does Mocking classes work?

This section isn't necessary to read, but can help others better understand it so that they can add new features, or debug current ones.


The Mocker class dynamically makes two classes, a Delegate and a Mock. Both of these classes extend the target class. The Delegate is passed into the Mock class for it to call within (anonymous functions) filters. This allows public and protected methods to be filterable.


I'll walk you through the steps I did in order to figure out how Mocker should work. The goal here is to mock class Person.

class Person {
  public function speak() {
    return true;
  protected function _openMouth() {
    return $this->mouth = 'open';

In order to make the speak() method filterable we'll need to create a class called MockPerson and we'll make its speak() method filterable, however there is already an issue since a filter works inside of an anonymous function you cannot call parent, so MockPerson will also need an instance of Person.

class MockPerson extends Person {
  public $person;
  public function speak() {
    $params = compact();
    $person = $this->person;
    return $this->_filter(__METHOD__, array(), function($self, $params) use (&$person) {
      return $person->speak();

You might stop here and call it a day, but what about filtering protected methods? For example you might want to make sure _openMouth() does not modify the class. However this isn't possible with the current implementation since _openMouth is protected and we can't call protected methods within an anonymous function. The trick is that when you are extending a class you can make a method MORE visible than its parent, with the exception of private methods. So let's make a class DelegatePerson that simply extends Person and makes _openMouth() public.

class DelegatePerson extends Person {
  public function _openMouth() {

Now we simply pass DelegatePerson to MockPerson and all methods are now filterable.

How does overwriting PHP functions work?

In short, this is a hack. When you are inside of a namespace foo\bar\baz and you call a function file_get_contents it first searches the current namespace for that function foo\bar\baz\file_get_contents. Mocker simply creates that function dynamically, so when its called it delegates back to Mocker which will determine if it should call a user-defined function or if it should go back to the original PHP function.


class Mocker {

	 * Stores the closures that represent the method filters. They are indexed by called class.
	 * @var array Method filters, indexed by class.
	protected static $_methodFilters = array();

	 * Functions to be called instead of the original.
	 * The key is the fully namespaced function name, and the value is the closure to be called.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_functionCallbacks = array();

	 * Results of function calls for later assertion in `MockerChain`.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_functionResults = array();

	 * A list of code to be generated for the `Delegate`.
	 * The `Delegate` directly extends the class you wish to mock and makes all
	 * methods publically available to other classes but should not be accessed
	 * directly by any other classes other than `Mock`.
	 * @item variable `$parent` Instance of `Mock`. Allows `Delegate` to send
	 *                          calls back to `Mock` if it was called directly
	 *                          from a parent class.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_mockDelegateIngredients = array(
		'startClass' => array(
			'namespace {:namespace};',
			'class MockDelegate extends \{:mocker} {',
			'    public $parent = null;',
		'constructor' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function __construct({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $argCount = func_num_args();',
			'    $this->parent = $argCount === 0 ? false : func_get_arg($argCount - 1);',
			'    if (!is_a($this->parent, __NAMESPACE__ . "\Mock")) {',
			'        $class = new \ReflectionClass(\'{:namespace}\Mock\');',
			'        $this->parent = $class->newInstanceArgs($args);',
			'    }',
			'    $this->parent->mocker = $this;',
			'    if (method_exists(\'{:mocker}\', "__construct")) {',
			'        call_user_func_array("parent::__construct", $args);',
			'    }',
		'method' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $token = spl_object_hash($this);',
			'    if (func_num_args() > 0 && func_get_arg(func_num_args() - 1) === $token) {',
			'        return call_user_func_array("parent::{:method}", compact({:stringArgs}));',
			'    }',
			'    $method = array($this->parent, "{:method}");',
			'    return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
		'staticMethod' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $token = "1f3870be274f6c49b3e31a0c6728957f";',
			'    if (func_num_args() > 0 && func_get_arg(func_num_args() - 1) === $token) {',
			'        return call_user_func_array("parent::{:method}", compact({:stringArgs}));',
			'    }',
			'    $method = \'{:namespace}\Mock::{:method}\';',
			'    return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
		'endClass' => array(

	 * List of code to be generated for overwriting php functions.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_mockFunctionIngredients = array(
		'function' => array(
			'namespace {:namespace};',
			'use lithium\test\Mocker;',
			'function {:function}({:args}) {',
			'    $params = array();',
			'    foreach (array({:stringArgs}) as $value) {',
			'        if (!empty($value)) {',
			'            $params[] =& ${$value};',
			'        }',
			'    }',
			'    return Mocker::callFunction(__FUNCTION__, $params);',

	 * A list of code to be generated for the `Mock`.
	 * The Mock class directly extends the class you wish to mock but only
	 * interacts with the `Delegate` directly. This class is the public
	 * interface for users.
	 * @item variable `$results` All method calls allowing you for you make your
	 *                           own custom assertions.
	 * @item variable `$staticResults` See `$results`.
	 * @item variable `$mocker` Home of the `Delegate` defined above.
	 * @item variable `$_safeVars` Variables that should not be deleted on
	 *                             `Mock`. We delete them so they cannot be
	 *                             accessed directly, but sent to `Delegate` via
	 *                             PHP magic methods on `Mock`.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_mockIngredients = array(
		'startClass' => array(
			'namespace {:namespace};',
			'class Mock extends \{:mocker} {',
			'    public $mocker;',
			'    public $results = array();',
			'    public static $staticResults = array();',
			'    protected $_safeVars = array(',
			'        "_classes",',
			'        "_methodFilters",',
			'        "mocker",',
			'        "_safeVars",',
			'        "results",',
			'        "staticResults",',
			'    );',
		'get' => array(
			'public function {:reference}__get($name) {',
			'    $data ={:reference} $this->mocker->$name;',
			'    return $data;',
		'set' => array(
			'public function __set($name, $value = null) {',
			'    return $this->mocker->$name = $value;',
		'isset' => array(
			'public function __isset($name) {',
			'    return isset($this->mocker->$name);',
		'unset' => array(
			'public function __unset($name) {',
			'    unset($this->mocker->$name);',
		'constructor' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function __construct({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    array_push($args, $this);',
			'    foreach (get_class_vars(get_class($this)) as $key => $value) {',
			'        if (isset($this->{$key}) && !in_array($key, $this->_safeVars)) {',
			'            unset($this->$key);',
			'        }',
			'    }',
			'    $class = new \ReflectionClass(\'{:namespace}\MockDelegate\');',
			'    $class->newInstanceArgs($args);',
		'destructor' => array(
			'public function __destruct() {}',
		'staticMethod' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $args["hash"] = "1f3870be274f6c49b3e31a0c6728957f";',
			'    $method = \'{:namespace}\MockDelegate::{:method}\';',
			'    $result = {:master}::invokeMethod("_filter", array(',
			'        __CLASS__, ',
			'        "{:method}",',
			'        $args,',
			'        function($self, $args) use(&$method) {',
			'            return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
			'        }',
			'    ));',
			'    if (!isset(self::$staticResults["{:method}"])) {',
			'        self::$staticResults["{:method}"] = array();',
			'    }',
			'    self::$staticResults["{:method}"][] = array(',
			'        "args" => func_get_args(),',
			'        "result" => $result,',
			'        "time" => microtime(true),',
			'    );',
			'    return $result;',
		'method' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $args["hash"] = spl_object_hash($this->mocker);',
			'    $method = array($this->mocker, "{:method}");',
			'    $result = {:master}::invokeMethod("_filter", array(',
			'        __CLASS__,',
			'        "{:method}",',
			'        $args,',
			'        function($self, $args) use(&$method) {',
			'           return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
			'        }',
			'    ));',
			'    if (!isset($this->results["{:method}"])) {',
			'        $this->results["{:method}"] = array();',
			'    }',
			'    $this->results["{:method}"][] = array(',
			'        "args" => func_get_args(),',
			'        "result" => $result,',
			'        "time" => microtime(true),',
			'    );',
			'    return $result;',
		'applyFilter' => array(
			'public {:static} function applyFilter($method, $filter = null) {',
			'    return {:master}::applyFilter(__CLASS__, $method, $filter);',
		'endClass' => array(

	 * A list of methods we should not overwrite in our mock class.
	 * Some of these methods are are too custom inside the `Mock` or `Delegate`,
	 * while others should simply not be filtered.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_blackList = array(
		'__destruct', '_parents',
		'__get', '__set', '__isset', '__unset', '__sleep',
		'__wakeup', '__toString', '__clone', '__invoke',
		'_stop', '_init', 'invokeMethod', '__set_state',
		'_instance', '_filter', '_object', '_initialize',

	 * Will register this class into the autoloader.
	 * @return void
	public static function register() {
		spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, 'create'));

	 * The main entrance to create a new Mock class.
	 * @param  string $mockee The fully namespaced `\Mock` class
	 * @return void
	public static function create($mockee) {
		if (!self::_validateMockee($mockee)) {

		$mocker = self::_mocker($mockee);
		$isStatic = is_subclass_of($mocker, 'lithium\core\StaticObject');

		$tokens = array(
			'namespace' => self::_namespace($mockee),
			'mocker' => $mocker,
			'mockee' => 'MockDelegate',
			'static' => $isStatic ? 'static' : '',
		$mockDelegate = self::_dynamicCode('mockDelegate', 'startClass', $tokens);
		$mock = self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'startClass', $tokens);

		$reflectedClass = new ReflectionClass($mocker);
		$reflecedMethods = $reflectedClass->getMethods();
		$getByReference = false;
		$staticApplyFilter = true;
		$constructor = false;
		foreach ($reflecedMethods as $methodId => $method) {
			if (!in_array($method->name, self::$_blackList)) {
				$key = $method->isStatic() ? 'staticMethod' : 'method';
				if ($method->name === '__construct') {
					$key = 'constructor';
					$constructor = true;
				$docs = ReflectionMethod::export($mocker, $method->name, true);
				if (preg_match('/&' . $method->name . '/', $docs) === 1) {
				$tokens = array(
					'namespace' => self::_namespace($mockee),
					'method' => $method->name,
					'modifiers' => self::_methodModifiers($method),
					'args' => self::_methodParams($method),
					'stringArgs' => self::_stringMethodParams($method),
					'mocker' => $mocker,
				$mockDelegate .= self::_dynamicCode('mockDelegate', $key, $tokens);
				$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', $key, $tokens);
			} elseif ($method->name === '__get') {
				$docs = ReflectionMethod::export($mocker, '__get', true);
				$getByReference = preg_match('/&__get/', $docs) === 1;
			} elseif ($method->name === 'applyFilter') {
				$staticApplyFilter = $method->isStatic();

		if (!$constructor) {
			$tokens = array(
				'namespace' => self::_namespace($mockee),
				'modifiers' => 'public',
				'args' => null,
				'stringArgs' => 'array()',
				'mocker' => $mocker,
			$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'constructor', $tokens);
			$mockDelegate .= self::_dynamicCode('mockDelegate', 'constructor', $tokens);

		$mockDelegate .= self::_dynamicCode('mockDelegate', 'endClass');
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'get', array(
			'reference' => $getByReference ? '&' : '',
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'set');
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'isset');
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'unset');
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'applyFilter', array(
			'static' => $staticApplyFilter ? 'static' : '',
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'destructor');
		$mock .= self::_dynamicCode('mock', 'endClass');

		eval($mockDelegate . $mock);

	 * Will determine what method mofifiers of a method.
	 * For instance: 'public static' or 'private abstract'
	 * @param  ReflectionMethod $method
	 * @return string
	protected static function _methodModifiers(ReflectionMethod $method) {
		$modifierKey = $method->getModifiers();
		$modifierArray = Reflection::getModifierNames($modifierKey);
		$modifiers = implode(' ', $modifierArray);
		return str_replace(array('private', 'protected'), 'public', $modifiers);

	 * Will determine what parameter prototype of a method.
	 * For instance: 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract $method' or '$name, array $foo = null'
	 * @param  ReflectionFunctionAbstract $method
	 * @return string
	protected static function _methodParams(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $method) {
		$pattern = '/Parameter #[0-9]+ \[ [^\>]+>([^\]]+) \]/';
		$replace = array(
			'from' => array(' Array', 'or NULL'),
			'to' => array(' array()', ''),
		preg_match_all($pattern, $method, $matches);
		$params = implode(', ', $matches[1]);
		return str_replace($replace['from'], $replace['to'], $params);

	 * Will return the params in a way that can be placed into `compact()`
	 * @param  ReflectionFunctionAbstract $method
	 * @return string
	protected static function _stringMethodParams(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $method) {
		$pattern = '/Parameter [^$]+\$([^ ]+)/';
		preg_match_all($pattern, $method, $matches);
		$params = implode("', '", $matches[1]);
		return strlen($params) > 0 ? "'{$params}'" : 'array()';

	 * Will generate the code you are wanting.
	 * This pulls from $_mockDelegateIngredients and $_mockIngredients.
	 * @param  string $type   The name of the array of ingredients to use
	 * @param  string $key    The key from the array of ingredients
	 * @param  array  $tokens Tokens, if any, that should be inserted
	 * @return string
	protected static function _dynamicCode($type, $key, $tokens = array()) {
		$defaults = array(
			'master' => '\lithium\test\Mocker',
		$tokens += $defaults;
		$name = '_' . $type . 'Ingredients';
		$code = implode("\n", self::${$name}[$key]);
		return String::insert($code, $tokens) . "\n";

	 * Will generate the mocker from the current mockee.
	 * @param  string $mockee The fully namespaced `\Mock` class
	 * @return array
	protected static function _mocker($mockee) {
		$sections = explode('\\', $mockee);
		$sections[] = ucfirst(array_pop($sections));
		return implode('\\', $sections);

	 * Will generate the namespace from the current mockee.
	 * @param  string $mockee The fully namespaced `\Mock` class
	 * @return string
	protected static function _namespace($mockee) {
		$matches = array();
		preg_match_all('/^(.*)\\\\Mock$/', $mockee, $matches);
		return isset($matches[1][0]) ? $matches[1][0] : null;

	 * Will validate if mockee is a valid class we should mock.
	 * Will fail if the mock already exists, or it doesn't contain `\Mock` in
	 * the namespace.
	 * @param  string $mockee The fully namespaced `\Mock` class
	 * @return bool
	protected static function _validateMockee($mockee) {
		return preg_match('/\\\\Mock$/', $mockee) === 1;

	 * Generate a chain class with the current rules of the mock.
	 * @param  mixed  $mock Mock object, namespaced static mock, namespaced function name.
	 * @return object       MockerChain instance
	public static function chain($mock) {
		$results = array();
		$string = is_string($mock);
		if (is_object($mock) && isset($mock->results)) {
			$results = static::mergeResults($mock->results, $mock::$staticResults);
		} elseif ($string && class_exists($mock) && isset($mock::$staticResults)) {
			$results = $mock::$staticResults;
		} elseif ($string && function_exists($mock) && isset(static::$_functionResults[$mock])) {
			$results = array($mock => static::$_functionResults[$mock]);
		return new MockerChain($results);

	 * Will merge two sets of results into each other.
	 * @param  array $results
	 * @param  array $secondary
	 * @return array
	public static function mergeResults($results, $secondary) {
		foreach ($results as $method => $calls) {
			if (isset($secondary[$method])) {
				$results['method1'] = array_merge($results['method1'], $secondary['method1']);
				usort($results['method1'], function($el1, $el2) {
					return strcmp($el1['time'], $el2['time']);
		return $results + $secondary;

	 * Apply a closure to a method of the current static object.
	 * @see lithium\core\StaticObject::_filter()
	 * @see lithium\util\collection\Filters
	 * @param string $class Fully namespaced class to apply filters.
	 * @param mixed $method The name of the method to apply the closure to. Can either be a single
	 *        method name as a string, or an array of method names. Can also be false to remove
	 *        all filters on the current object.
	 * @param \Closure $filter The closure that is used to filter the method(s), can also be false
	 *        to remove all the current filters for the given method.
	 * @return void
	public static function applyFilter($class, $method = null, $filter = null) {
		if ($class === false) {
			return static::$_methodFilters = array();
		if ($method === false) {
			return static::$_methodFilters[$class] = array();
		foreach ((array) $method as $m) {
			if (!isset(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$m]) || $filter === false) {
				static::$_methodFilters[$class][$m] = array();
			if ($filter !== false) {
				static::$_methodFilters[$class][$m][] = $filter;

	 * Executes a set of filters against a method by taking a method's main implementation as a
	 * callback, and iteratively wrapping the filters around it.
	 * @see lithium\util\collection\Filters
	 * @param string $class Fully namespaced class to apply filters.
	 * @param string|array $method The name of the method being executed, or an array containing
	 *        the name of the class that defined the method, and the method name.
	 * @param array $params An associative array containing all the parameters passed into
	 *        the method.
	 * @param \Closure $callback The method's implementation, wrapped in a closure.
	 * @param array $filters Additional filters to apply to the method for this call only.
	 * @return mixed
	protected static function _filter($class, $method, $params, $callback, $filters = array()) {
		$hasNoFilters = empty(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method]);
		if ($hasNoFilters && !$filters && !Filters::hasApplied($class, $method)) {
			return $callback($class, $params, null);
		if (!isset(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method])) {
			static::$_methodFilters += array($class => array());
			static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method] = array();
		$data = array_merge(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method], $filters, array($callback));
		return Filters::run($class, $params, compact('data', 'class', 'method'));

	 * Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper for
	 * `forward_static_call_array()`.
	 * @param string $method Name of the method to call.
	 * @param array $params Parameter list to use when calling `$method`.
	 * @return mixed Returns the result of the method call.
	public static function invokeMethod($method, $params = array()) {
		return forward_static_call_array(array(get_called_class(), $method), $params);

	 * Will overwrite namespaced functions.
	 * @param  string|bool   $name     Fully namespaced function, or `false` to reset functions.
	 * @param  closure|bool  $callback Callback to be called, or `false` to reset this function.
	 * @return void
	public static function overwriteFunction($name, $callback = null) {
		if ($name === false) {
			static::$_functionResults = array();
			return static::$_functionCallbacks = array();
		if ($callback === false) {
			static::$_functionResults[$name] = array();
			return static::$_functionCallbacks[$name] = false;
		static::$_functionCallbacks[$name] = $callback;
		if (function_exists($name)) {

		$function = new ReflectionFunction($callback);
		$pos = strrpos($name, '\\');
		eval(self::_dynamicCode('mockFunction', 'function', array(
			'namespace' => substr($name, 0, $pos),
			'function' => substr($name, $pos + 1),
			'args' => static::_methodParams($function),
			'stringArgs' => static::_stringMethodParams($function),

	 * A method to call user defined functions.
	 * This method should only be accessed by functions created by `Mocker::overwriteFunction()`.
	 * If no matching stored function exists, the global function will be called instead.
	 * @param  string $name   Fully namespaced function name to call.
	 * @param  array  $params Params to be passed to the function.
	 * @return mixed
	public static function callFunction($name, array &$params = array()) {
		$function = substr($name, strrpos($name, '\\'));
		$exists = isset(static::$_functionCallbacks[$name]);
		if ($exists && is_callable(static::$_functionCallbacks[$name])) {
			$function = static::$_functionCallbacks[$name];
		$result = call_user_func_array($function, $params);
		if (!isset(static::$_functionResults[$name])) {
			static::$_functionResults[$name] = array();
		static::$_functionResults[$name][] = array(
			'args' => $params,
			'result' => $result,
			'time' => microtime(true),
		return $result;
